I felt fine with regular electricity, until I found out how bad electricity generation pollutes. I simply switched my family to cleaner electricity five years ago in Texas,
and now it feels great! Let me help you switch yours today.
When you're ready, sign up at our secure web site with the button below:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
- Reduce the amount of plastic bags you get, by using a
canvas bag for your groceries.
- Collect and reuse your plastic bags for small garbage bags or
transporting other items.
- Recycle: You may take your plastic bags to your local
grocery stores. Many recycle bags: check with
your local stores.
- For the adventurous (involves stinking garbage and sometimes worms :) see if you can get your significant other (mine
hasn't yet) to let you begin composting your food and yard wastes...there is no better garden soil than compost
you made yourself (true).