Resource List: Databases of Information and Reports on U.S. Government Sponsored Research and Development Related to Energy |
The following pages are sources of, and/or access to, databases that researchers can use to find reports produced on the results of U.S. Government sponsored research and development. Many of the databases listed are also sources of information on non-U.S. Government funded research and development activities. Many of the National Laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal agencies maintain databases of reports produced by their researchers.
There are many private, for-profit services that will research topics for a fee. Some public and university libraries have access to such service. Many college and university libraries have also developed tools to aid researchers in finding published materials. They may conduct searches for free or a nominal fee.
This information was updated in March 2000. Contact the organizations listed below for specific details on the services they provide.
- Government Research_Center World Wide Web: http// The GOV.Research_Center is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Technical Information Service (see below) and the National Information Services Corporation to offer a new online subscription service that provides a single access point to valuable government information. The GRC includes well known government sponsored research databases like AGRICOLA, Federal Research in Progress, AgroBase, NIOSHTIC Database, Energy Science and Technology, Nuclear Science Abstracts Database, and RTECS. For details, contact the:
- National Information Services Corporation Wyman Towers, 3100 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 World Wide Web:
- National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 Phone: (800) 553-6847; Fax: (703) 605-6900 World Wide Web: The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is the central source for distribution of U.S. government-sponsored research, development and engineering reports. It also distributes other analyses prepared by government agencies, their contractors, and grantees. NTIS also distributes Federally generated, machine-readable data files and software, U.S. government inventions available for licensing, Federally generated translations, and reports supplied by foreign governments to U.S. government agencies. An increasing proportion of the database consists of unpublished material from abroad.
- Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) U.S. Department of Energy P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Phone: (423) 576-1188; Fax: (423) 576-2865 Email: World Wide Web: The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science (SC) is responsible for leading the Department's Technical Information Management Program (TIMP), and for the dissemination of scientific and technical information resulting from DOE research and development (R&D) and environmental programs. In efforts to effectively disseminate STI, OSTI has produced the following resources:
- EnergyFiles: The Virtual Library Collection of Energy Science and Technology, which provide a vast array of information and resources pertaining to energy science and technology;
- The DOE Information Bridge, which allows access to publicly available, full-text reports;
- PubSCIENCE, which provides access to scientific journal literature; and OSTI's newest product
- the PrePRINT Network , which provides a searchable gateway to preprint servers.
- U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) GPO Publications Reference Files Records Branch, STOP: SSMR Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Phone: (202) 512-1800 World Wide Web: The Government Printing Office publishes materials generated by the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. Government.