Here are convenient links to online documents I like to have at my fingertips. Each is clearly explained before the full link is identified in underlined text. Download as you wish for fair personal and academic use, but respect copyright law: no publication for profit. Thanks!
Entire Collection of Online Documents
My latest unprocessed
research notes collection
destined for Endnotes :)
PhD. +
(link coming soon)
Next is my current CV (information about almost everything important I've ever completed) as an HTML document, which was designed in MS Word 2003. Those interested, note that I am easy to contact. Please do!
My energy provider:
A lot of people ask me how to compare electricity retailers head to head. Fortunately, in Texas, one web site has been set up to distribute comparable information between electric retailers. Just be sure that you check more than the price of the offer: also know the fuel mix and so the pollution mix you are purchasing with your electricity dollar! The "" web site also gives those details, but you may have to seek them out. Start by entering your zip code to see the offers in your area.