Solar and renewable energy-related...
Periodicals |
- Home Power, P.O. Box 520, Ashland, OR 97520; Phone: (916) 475-3179; World Wide Web: Bi-monthly, $22.50 per year (second class mail); $30.00 per year (first class mail). Home Power covers small-scale applications of renewable energy technologies and electric vehicles.
- International Solar Energy Intelligence Report (ISEIR), Business Publishers, Inc., 8737 Colesville Road, 11th floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3928; Phone: (301) 587-6300. Published monthly, $437.00/year. The ISEIR covers developments in renewable energy technologies internationally.
- Renewable Energy World, James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, 35-37 William Road, London, NW1 3ER, England; World Wide Web: . Five issues per year, $115.00/year (in USA), (Free to "qualified" professionals.) This journal reports on applications of renewable energy technologies around the world.
- Solar & Renewable Energy Outlook, KLA Publising Group, 7324 Bath Street, Springfield, VA 22150; Phone: (703) 866-2844; Fax (703) 866-4397. Published biweekly, $444.00 per year. This newsletter (formerly The Solar Letter) is an international journal on all aspects of renewable energy.
- Solar Today, ASES (see Source List below). Published bimonthly, $15.00 per year (members), $29.00 per year (non-members). This magazine reports on many aspects of renewable energy technologies and applications.